Friday, February 26, 2010

Its is Necessary to Eliminate Peer to Peer Files Sharing Networks in order to Protect Artists

Today's society is all Internet base this is why it is not surprising that allot of people download music off the Internet. Allot of people download this music illegally from peer to peer downloading networks like Napster and Lime wire. These peer to peer file sharing networks violate the copyright laws that protect artists and take away from their profits. It is necessary that we put a system in place to eliminate peer to peer file sharing networks but also keep down loaders happy.

Critic Scott Matthews a writer for the Salon Believes that we should stand by the copyright system we already have. He believes in order to create a new system for downloading music on the Internet we the government would have to be involved. He believes the government wouldn't evenly distribute profits and also peoples privacy would be violated.

This statement is very untrue it is necessary to protect artists though a new system. Artists loose money to people that illegal down load music. This is unfair to them and the people that actually legally purchase music.

A good system would be something like Apple iTunes. ITunes was started in 2003 and has been successful and growing ever since. Apple doesn't generate any money from iTunes they simply make money off the iPod players. A good system would have a similar base. If artists were more willing to sell there songs for less on the Internet less people would illegally down load them. Each song on iTunes is an average of $.99 per song. This is expensive considering there are no production costs involved with electronic files. Artists should be more willing to put there songs online for cheaper because of this reason.

Apple itunes LINK

Putting a system like apple iTunes in place will help control illegal downloading. Also iTunes shows that there is no need for government interference . Through contracts and independent company's profits could be generated fairly. It is necessary to find a system that works in order to keep artist generating music and record company's producing.

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