Friday, April 23, 2010

Out Sourcing and Its Impacts on the World

Out sourcing is directly related to globalization. Globalization has been going on since the days of columbus, but never really took off untill the nineteen eights due to three things. The first was the North American Free Trade agreement (NAFTA). This was signed in 1992 and was held between the united states, mexico and, Canada. It lifed tarrifs off goods. The second thing was Education of nations like China and India this brought them to our level giving them equal opportunities. The last thing was the internet. The internet conneted the world globally. no longer was there a barrier between countrys.

Outsourcing is impacting the world by taking jobs away from people, products are produced with no standards and workers are abused and treated unfairly. Many current computer jobs programing and tellamarketing jobs are being outsourced to India this is because of the cheap labor. These jobs do not require someone that has to be in the U.S. Along the same lines many of the production jobs are being out sourced to china and mexico. Also for the same reason of cheap labor.

This brings up another issue what are the manufacturing standards of these counrtys. In the united states production standards are very high and regulated. In china and mexico the standards set by the government are poor and most of the time not even followed. This is why there was the lead paint issue, the toothpaste issue, the dog food issue. These were all products that came from China that were pure poison. The problem is there is no way customs can regualte the products coming in. They only have a small amount of agents compared to the products coming in.

How are other countries effected from outsourcing? Many small countries rely on farming as the greatest part of their GDP. Many people though that outsourcing would benifit there economeys. I did something much worse. Since outsourcing opens up a global market many of these small counries had to import. This is due to the fact that larger countries could sell products cheap because of up lifted tarrifs and government assistance.Lastly outsourcing is horrible for the living standards of people in china. These people make only $30 dollars for a sixty hour work week. They are offtened worked more than six days in a row. these people are offten abused physically.

Outsourcing all together has had a negative impact on our world.

Friday, March 26, 2010

The True Link Between Teens and Steroids

In recent years there has been an increase in the number of teen using steroids and this number is continuing to rise. Steroids were first seen in sports in the 1950's Olympics. This trend continued and branched out to other forms of professional sports. Today steroids are seen in every sport from swimming to baseball. Along with this tend expanding to all forms of sports it has also expanded its user base to. First steroids users were professional athletes now steroids are use by body builders and even teens.

What would be the cause of this teen steroid use and how is it effecting there bodes? Many professionals believe that the cause of this steroid use is because of teens role models. In a study it was shown that athletes are the second role model in teen liefs next to parents. How does this connect to steroid use? When teen read about the best players taking steroids they feel that the only way to succeed is to take steroids too. Also by professional athletes taking steroids it justifies their steroid use. Another reason for teen steroid use is pressure from coaches. Today on the high school varsity level the competition is so high. This causes coaches to push their players to the limit. These coaches are only going to choose the biggest and best players. Some people aren't gifted with natural muscle mass so they choose to do steroids.

Steroids are not good for any ones body especially teens. They can cause problems such as cardiovascular disease, kidney cancer, increased blood pressure, and heart attacks. Also steroids send you through crazy mood swings. Teenagers already have mood swings they can't control. Some teenagers cannot control this and take the easy way out, suicide. In the past few years with the increase of usage there is an increase in the number of teen suicides.

Teens need better role models in there life. Athletes need to be these role models, but they need to stop abusing steroids. One way this can be done is through stricter testing polices. Teen steroid used needs to be stopped in order to help teens live a health life style.

Steroid Video Links:

Friday, February 26, 2010

Its is Necessary to Eliminate Peer to Peer Files Sharing Networks in order to Protect Artists

Today's society is all Internet base this is why it is not surprising that allot of people download music off the Internet. Allot of people download this music illegally from peer to peer downloading networks like Napster and Lime wire. These peer to peer file sharing networks violate the copyright laws that protect artists and take away from their profits. It is necessary that we put a system in place to eliminate peer to peer file sharing networks but also keep down loaders happy.

Critic Scott Matthews a writer for the Salon Believes that we should stand by the copyright system we already have. He believes in order to create a new system for downloading music on the Internet we the government would have to be involved. He believes the government wouldn't evenly distribute profits and also peoples privacy would be violated.

This statement is very untrue it is necessary to protect artists though a new system. Artists loose money to people that illegal down load music. This is unfair to them and the people that actually legally purchase music.

A good system would be something like Apple iTunes. ITunes was started in 2003 and has been successful and growing ever since. Apple doesn't generate any money from iTunes they simply make money off the iPod players. A good system would have a similar base. If artists were more willing to sell there songs for less on the Internet less people would illegally down load them. Each song on iTunes is an average of $.99 per song. This is expensive considering there are no production costs involved with electronic files. Artists should be more willing to put there songs online for cheaper because of this reason.

Apple itunes LINK

Putting a system like apple iTunes in place will help control illegal downloading. Also iTunes shows that there is no need for government interference . Through contracts and independent company's profits could be generated fairly. It is necessary to find a system that works in order to keep artist generating music and record company's producing.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Video games and the effects on people.

Video games have always been looked at as harmful to people. Video games can cause things like obesity and seizures. In recent years video games have taken a different light. Now video games are doing positive things for the world. Video games are making people fit, improving vision, and keeping the elderly youthful. The new exergames making working out fun. Games like Dance Dance Revolution and Nintendo Wii. With Nintendo addition of the wii fit board working out is even funner. It makes you work all components of your body. You start breaking a sweat and your having so much fun you don't even realize that your getting fit. These games are beneficial for young gamers that don't get physical activity because these games will prevent them from obesity. Video games are also improving peoples vision. You can see that after hours of game play games have an excellent ability to pick out moving objects in a crowd. First person shooter games really help with this. Games like call of duty, modern war far, and grand theft auto. Lastly i wanna talk about how video games are helping the elderly. They are improving there well being through cognitive training. Games like Donkey Kong, PAC Man, and tetris help make old people feel better and speed up reaction time.